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Chickadees, titmice, nuthatches and woodpeckers love peanuts, and a peanut bird feeder makes a great addition to your garden if you're just starting your birdwatching hobby, or if you're an enthusiast who want to attract an even greater variety of wild birds with another feeder option.
These distinctive peanut feeders usually lack any kind of perch, so they tend to draw in the more acrobatic songbirds that have no problems clinging to the silo cage. However, some will feature a spiral shaped perch that wraps up the length of the feeding cylinder, allowing more birds access, and providing a fun exercise for these jumpy feathered friends. Some birds will snatch a peanut and swallow it whole, while others will prefer to fly to a nearby limb, and breakup their newfound bounty.
Peanut bird feeders are excellent feeders for beginners, as they are both easy to maintain, easy to refill, and extremely durable. Most are constructed with a heavy duty wire mesh that encloses the peanuts, but with holes that are just big enough to, obviously, pull a peanut through. They don't require the regular, and tedious, cleanings that more elaborate feeders need, and are sturdy enough to withstand even the harshest of winters.
Here are some other things to consider when purchasing a peanut bird feeder:
Hang the feeder somewhere animals will not be able to climb up to, or jump on. If you don't have a good spot, try hanging on a shepherd's hook
Squirrel baffles are a great way to deter squirrels and other pests from climbing up a shepherd's hook or mounting post
Dispose of peanuts that have had prolonged exposure to moisture or rain
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