Victorian Bird Houses - The Ultimate House For Your Birds

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One of the most popular items to add to your backyard is a bird house or a bird feeder. Millions of people have one of these in their yards. Because of that, many birdlovers want to add a birdhouse that is unique or catches their visitors eye. Decorative birdhouses are a great way to do that, and many unique houses like church birdhouse and log cabins can be found, but one of the more popular styles is the Victorian architecture.

Now, it should be noted that there is not one specific style that is truly Victorian, but there are a number of styles that were popular in the US around the time of Queen Victoria's reign in the last 60 years of the 1800's. Different styles became popular in the the Northeast (for example, the Stick-Eastlake with its steeply pitched roofs and wood shingles) to the Southern and Western states (Queen Anne with its wide balconies and wrap around style) to Italianate style which was popular in many places, including New Orleans and San Francisco, which featured bay windows and oddly placed chimneys.

Even though the styles of these home varied significantly, the one common theme was that they represented a lifestyle, sort of the 1800's version of the rich and famous. Conspicuous consumption and excess was the theme, and that was was what you spent your money on.

So these birdhouses of today allow us to recapture just a little of the grandeur of the era, by putting a little piece of it in our homes. Since most of us can't afford or even want to live in one of these homes, it's a small luxury we can afford to put one in the yard.

Just like the homes of the era, there are a wide variety of Victorian birdhouses to be found. You can find simple cottages, or multiple story houses, with intricate roofs and replica balconies and porches.

Many are hand crafted, but these days many of the decorative birdhouses are fashioned from resin material that is actually molded, which allows very intricate designs to be built at an affordable cost. There are also many miniature ceramic birdhouses as well, and you can even find some that come with a pedestal.