Birdhouses And Bird Feeders

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Building Birdhouses and Bird Feeders to Attract Birds

If you can provide birds with a safe and secure shelter, variety of food and treats, and clean water, you are sure to attract the most beautiful and unusual birds to your yard.


Birdhouses are basically made in many sizes and with a variety of different wood materials. The birds enjoy a safe haven subject to the outside temperatures and predators and it allows them to nest. Birds always need somewhere to nest, so why not build a variety of wooden birdhouses in different sizes for the birds in your area. A basic wooden birdhouse can be very easy to build, and can also be a fun weekend project.

Here are a some important things for you to consider when building your own wooden birdhouse:

Do research the environment and the different variety of birds commonly known to migrate in your region.

Do understand the needs of your feeder birds, such as the size of birdhouse, and location of birdhouse.

Don't paint, stain, varnish, or treat the inside or around the hole entrance of the birdhouse, this will keep away the birds. There are many different woods that you can use to make your birdhouse, but most commonly used is Cedar. Cedar wood is a good material which does not need to be pained, stained, or treated.

Avoid using a perch on the birdhouse. By putting a perch on the birdhouse, the bird may become trapped inside the birdhouse because of fear. A perch will allow a predator bird to wait on the perch until the smaller birds comes out.

Drill the proper entrance hole, for the bird you are trying to attract. Again, the importance of size. You will need to research the birds in your area and which ones you would like to invite to your backyard.


The importance of a great location to properly install your birdhouse is a big part of your awaited new guests. Once you are done building your birdhouse, you will need to find a good location, that is away from any danger, such as cats, and weather. A good location would be somewhere in your property that doesn't have to much human activity, but will allow you to view the birds without interference. The birdhouse can be hung on a tree, or mounted to a pole or tree limb, and should be at least 3 to 10 feet high.

Bird feeder

Adding bird feeders to your property is another great way to attract birds. As stated above, you must research the different variety of birds commonly known to migrate in your region, that will give you some insight as to what kind of birdfeed and treats to fill your birdfeeders. Once birds discover your newly built bird feeder and the great treats you are providing them, you can expect to start seeing the birds flock into your backyard.

Building a basic wooden bird feeder is not difficult at all, you can get many ideas by searching for bird feeder plans on the internet, or visiting a bookstore or library.


Birds are also attracted by water. Birds need a water area for drinking and for bathing. This to is a project that you can make on your own, or if you do not have time buy at a store. It is suggested that you research different bird bath plans and see if this is a project you would like to do. You can also use any shallow container to hold water. You can place them on the ground or above the ground, near the feeders would be a good location. If you do have cats in the area it would be suggested that you make it closer and accessible to the birds so that they do not become victim to such animals.