Making Your Garden Even More Bird Friendly

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If you want to make your garden as friendly for birds as you can, there are some concrete things that you can add to it beyond the basics of food, water, and shelter to make it a virtual paradise for them.

Birds love trees. They are able to set up their nesting in them as well as provide them with safe spots high above the ground to rest while they look for food. But, if your garden doesn't have trees, you can give them similar benefits by setting up perches in your yard. Although, primarily used by pet owners as a resting place for their bird when outside of his cage, bird perches are perfect accessories for the birds visiting your garden as well.

Think about planting annuals in your garden. In addition to providing a bright and colorful look to your garden, many of the seeds from annuals are food sources for birds. However, once the flowers are spent, don't trim them off as many gardeners do. Leaving them natural will ensure that when the summer rolls to its end that the birds have plenty of seeds from the annuals to help them prepare themselves for the winter.

Your garden should have plenty of bushes and trees, but they should be located mainly on the edges and sides of the garden. Leave the center mostly as lawn or grass area. This center area provides the creatures with plenty of room to be out in the open where they can hunt for insects while, at the same time, making it hard for predators to sneak up on therm because of the wide unobstructed grassy area.

Having a pile of old logs on the edges of your yard is nice touch also, even if you don't have a fireplace. Many insects and bugs are attracted to wooden structures. The birds in your yard may find this one of their favorite eating places once they notice many of the bugs congregating there.

A composter is a great for creating natural fertilizer for the plants in your yard. Birds also love them. They will take full advantage of some of the food scraps that you throw on the composter pile.

And once you have created the perfect garden for your bird friends, don't forget to enjoy it yourself.

If you are a true bird lover and have set up your yard with bird houses, feeders, bird baths, and all sorts of other amenities to attract birds to your yard, you should seriously consider buying a desk diary and documenting each bird that you see in your garden. Document the bird species, how many, the time of day, and the date. Also, take pictures and store them along with the diary. You may be surprised at the fond memories that these give you in your later years.